Joelle Thomson

Wine writer and award winning wine author

What I am drinking, reading and savouring each week

Cranford HospiceWine for hospiceAugust 2024Tutored tastingMasterclassClosing the gapPalliser Estate Pinot NoirChillable redsMasters of WineWine booksReadingGreat booksThe Oxford Companion to WineRemovalZero alcoholBubblyAlcohol removed wineGamayBeaujolaisBlenheimRangitaneWaghornTe Muna ValleyProducer profileSmall wine regionsPinot pioneersRias BaixasMoraMarsanneRhoneAustriaHiedlerRene MureCellaring winesAged ReleasesBarolo DOCUnfilteredOakBarberaDay two winesChildren make you rich and poorCognacStudyRoscoe JohansonFriday drinks withVavasourTe KairangaMartinborough VineyardsGrove MillRockburnGhost TownFuderLouis VavasourJohanneshofEmmiMéthode MarlboroughJoelle Thomson WinetopiaWellingtonTastingWinetopia 2023Lloyd HowesBaths and bubblySouth IslandSparkling wineTohu WinesYealandsNew ZealandSpainMarlborough wineDave CloustonTwo Rivers WinesSir Ian BothamShane WarneWomen in wineKate RadburndGemstone RieslingInternational Women's DayAustraliaBordeauxDogsRapaura SpringsMike BannMartinborough in MarchTastingsWine tastingsEsk ValleyCyclone relief fundAlbarinoVintage 2023Clayvin Pinot NoirViticultureRebuildingWinegrowers Charitable TrustJenny DobsonFianoCyclone GabrielleRWTBarossaKeeperPenfoldsDouroAlexandraChasing HarvestMike KushShaky BridgeSemillonBarrel fermentArchitectureDave Sutton winemakerKowhaiThe seedTe KanoAtaahuaRouteburnSouth AfricaPinotageBig SkyOutdoor wineViperChard FarmHunter's WinesBollingerNo 1 Family EstateAstrolabeClayvinPalliserLunaBen McNabMK IIVergenceZenHammock wineClare ValleyShirazCabernet SauvignonMerlotMore-ishTaylors WinesBiggest Chardonnay tastingFestivalWIne and foodTrinity HillHomageRoger ParkinsonMike KershawNga WakaNorth CanterburyRothschildSir Clifford SkeggsAkaruaJoel WatsonWilco LamCharlie ZhengLuna EstateDry River WinesAusssiesBubblesMiruMiruDry RiverNew Zealand SyrahGimblett Gravels Winegrowers AssociationGimblett GravelsLe Sol SyrahWairarapaHuntressWaitakiDry farmed grapesSkeetfieldWine reviewsWillpowerPot luck dinnerJules TaylorSweet and drySkin contactPink wineTom McDonaldSyrahTom125 years Church RoadChurch RoadUnreliableNatural fitMoodyThin skinnedTemperamentalCool climateSideways filmRoséWairau ValleyBull PaddockTriptychOlder oakNew Zealand Pinot Noir regionsSupermarket wine aislesNew Zealand Pinot NoirBen DugdaleDry RieslingBel CantoGastro pubBurgundyBillecart SalmonDhall & NashHand pickedKerruishFolding HillBendigoFishingWaihopaiDreamMariscoBrent MarrisDistributingImportingBertrand SoalhatChablisMorgonFranceFamily lifeOrganic certificationChianti ClassicoTim BourneTe RehuaPahiKiwaKupeSingle vineyardOrganic Pinot NoirCarrick Pinot NoirCoffeeFriday drinksProust interviewTim SeverneHeartwoodFat n SassyKing of Kiwi ChardonnayTony BishThe Urban WineryDamien PignoletCheese souffleHawke's BayChampagneMary-Jeanne HutchinsonCraggy RangeHigh priced Pinot NoirCoal Pit wineryDolphinsMartinborough VineyardThe Escarpment VineyardLarry McKennaNegociants roadshowWIne tastingSauvignon BlancBen GloverZephyr WinesGreat whitesDog Point VineyardsMarlboroughPinot GrisFamilyLa TacheDRCDate changeWinetopia AucklandWine definitionRieslingGiesenZero percent wineFleetwood MacJames BondLemon meringue pieSohoFitnessPegasus Bay Pinot NoirFastingReyouvenateWellnessHealthLife mantrasGuitarAurumMatt ConnellSwitzerlandWine of the weekItalyPetite ArvineMartinboroughAta RangiGeographic IndicationGIMasterclassesWine optionsWInetopiaJudy & Tim FinnNeudorfUkraineAged winesWild EarthFelton RoadOpen mindednessCatsPegasus BayGolden EggUrban WineryChardonnayBannockburnDoctors FlatPinot NoirCentral OtagoNZ wine

Winemaker of the week... Dave Sutton of Te Kano

This week's interviewee is Dave Sutton, winemaker at Te Kano in Central Otago, who gives his responses to questions based on the famous Proust Questionnaire, originally propelled to fame in the late 1800s.  

Dave Sutton deplores double standards, would love to live in Mexico and thinks physical beauty is the most over rated virtue. The softly spoken winemaker works at Te Kano in Bannockburn, Central Otago or should that be, Bannockburn and Waitaki Valley since the latter is the new home for Te Kano's winemaking as from the 2023 vintage. 

Here is Dave Sutton's take on the Proust questionnaire...

What is your idea of perfect happiness?

Wine and good food, friends and family, challenging but meaningful work. Not necessarily in that order.

What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?

Jealousy. Competition is normal, but I would always rather feel happy for other peoples success than envious of it.

What is the trait you most deplore in others?

A lack of empathy. Every person has their own story, which has shaped them, and applying your values to someone else’s life without trying to understand the position they are in makes us narrow minded and unfair.

Which living person do you most admire?

Aldous Harding.

What is your greatest extravagance?

Wine – by a long way.

When and where were you happiest?

Working at Stony Batter Vineyard during my university Summer holidays in 2004. I was 20 years old and in love, living right on the edge of one of Waiheke Island's most beautiful beaches, working hard with great people and swimming in the sea every evening. It was magic.

Which talent would you most like to have?

I would love to play a musical instrument. Any instrument.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

I would like to be more content in the moment and not constantly striving for the next milestone. I spend so much energy and time moving towards a goal, and then once achieved, take no pleasure in it. I need to get better at contentment.

What do you consider your greatest achievement?

Becoming a parent.

Where would you most like to live?

Mexico. Great food, great people and a really beautiful place to explore.

What is your most treasured possession?

Definitely the wine cellar – 20 years in the making, it has some real gems in there now.

Who are your heroes in real life?

All the single mums out there doing it tough.